Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) – WA

Nationally Recognised Training

Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) – WA

Statement of Attainment
Unit of Competency:
SITHFAB021 – Provide responsible service of alcohol

Responsible practices must be undertaken wherever alcohol is sold or served, including where alcohol samples are served during on-site product tastings.

This unit applies to all levels of sales personnel involved in the sale, service and promotional service of alcohol in licensed premises, including security staff, and incorporates the knowledge requirements under WA liquor licensing law for personnel engaged in the sale or service of alcohol.

This course is contextualised for Western Australia and references the Liquor Control Act 1988.

For further requirements in other States/Territories, please see course information for:

See Clubs WA RSA if you only need an RSA when volunteering/working in a Western Australian premises
under a Club/Club Restricted or Occasional Licence (unless otherwise required by RGL).


Prior to issuance of your Statement of Attainment for SITHFAB021 – Provide responsible service of alcohol, you will be required to provide evidence that you have satisfactorily gained the required skills and knowledge to sell or serve alcohol.

  • This is an ungraded, competency-based assessment.  You will be assessed as performing ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ on each assessment.
  • To satisfactorily complete your training, you must demonstrate 100% competency for the assessments and complete a verification.

The assessment tools for SITHFAB021 – Provide responsible service of alcohol consist of:

  • Knowledge and Written Assessments (Online)
  • Verbal Assessment (Telephone)

To verify your identity and completion of the online assessments, you will need to complete:

  • Authenticity Video/Identification (Submission)
  • Online Assessment Completion Verification (Telephone)


Upon successful completion of the unit, learners will be able to:

  • Sell, serve, supply and promote alcohol in premises with a liquor licence.
  • Apply for a Restricted Approved Manager ID card in Western Australia.
    • Upon receipt of an Restricted Approved Manager ID card, you may seek employment as the Approved Manager of a Western Australian premises under a Club/Club Restricted or Occasional Licence*
    • Please see FAQs for further information.

*Unless otherwise required by RGL


  • Payment is not made at the time of enrolment, an invoice will be issued.
  • Payment in full must be received prior to your Written Assessment being marked.

Clubs WA Member Pricing

Members, volunteers and staff of Clubs WA Members are able to purchase this course using their discount code.
If you don’t know the club’s discount code, contact Clubs WA to take advantage of Clubs WA Member Pricing.


  • We anticipate the amount of training that you will reasonably need to undertake this unit will take approximately 6 hours to complete (self paced)
  • Flexibility to log off and on as often as you wish.
  • Actual time required will depend upon a student’s learning capability along with their current level of knowledge and understanding of this topic.
  • Note: this does not include the marking of the written assessment/verifications, which will be done during standard office hours Monday to Friday (8:30am to 4:30pm), excluding public holidays.
  • You have 3 months to complete your course and you can request an extension of a further 3 months, to provide additional time to complete your training if required.


  • To enrol, a valid email address is required
  • During enrolment, acceptance of the following terms and conditions is required:
    • I declare that the information I have provided is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct; and
    • I declare that I will be the person undertaking the training and assessment; and
    • I have reviewed and accept the terms and conditions as provided in the Student Handbook.


  • Student Handbook – download from website or student portal
  • Student Training Manual – download from student portal
  • E-Learning Materials – view online via link from student portal
  • Online Assessments – complete from student portal


  • Valid email address
  • Valid form of identification
  • Reliable internet connection
    • audio/video/video-capture/webcam; and
    • PDF reading capability

Buy Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) – WA for $59 or add another course and save!

  • MLPLCA001 – Manage legislative requirements for the sale, supply and service of liquor


SITHFAB021 - Provide responsible service of alcohol AND MLPLCA001 - Manage legislative requirements for the sale, supply and service of liquor

one course $220

Buy bundle

  • 52863WA – Course in Management of Licensed Premises

RSA and 52863WA

SITHFAB021 - Provide responsible service of alcohol AND 52863WA - Course in Management of Licensed Premises

one course $290

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